The Idea
Keen's largest consumer segment at this time was their "Adventure Travelers." This was the leading consumer focus the led to developing this approach and informed all consumer segments.
The approach was inspired by the
human touch, and a collection of
stories presented as if it were layered
into a traveler’s journal.

Establishing The Rules
A graphic standard was implemented that all design assets and visual accents be true to the content and location in which the adventures took place. With an organic, perfectly imperfect deconstructed grid as a foundation, this visual approach was applied globally, and to each seasonal story and brand communication throughout the year.

Adapting For Specific Business Units
Each of KEEN's business unit's comes with its own unique sets of nuanced needs and applications to which up to this point had been quite disjointed. This approach was customized to meet those needs, service the business units and unite the categories to a common approach under the master KEEN umbrella.